The Tokyo Metropolitan Transportation Bureau, together with Arakawa Ward, will operate the “Toden Halloween” on the Tokyo Sakura Tram (Toden Arakawa Line) for the first time in two years. The period is from October 1 to 31.
The “Toden Halloween” will be run by Arakawa Ward, with the inside of car 9002 (blue retro car) decorated with stickers with Halloween motifs. The front of the car will be decorated with a head mark featuring “Toarin,” the character of the Toden Arakawa Line, and “Arabo” and “Aramii,” the official symbol characters of Arakawa Ward.
Although there are days when the train does not operate due to inspections, etc., you can check its current location in realtam by selecting car No. 9002 in the car search on the Metropolitan Electric Railway Operation Information Service.
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