In Mongolia, concerns over seismic disaster risks are increasing, as evidenced by the occurrence of major earthquakes mainly in the western region, the discovery of three active faults near the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, and an increase in the number of felt earthquakes in that city as well. Under these circumstances, the Japanese government supported the creation of a comprehensive seismic risk map based on various risk assessments, the establishment of a method for evaluating the seismic resistance of buildings and lifelines in the country and Ulaanbaatar, and the creation of guidelines for seismic reinforcement of buildings.
As a result, specific recommendations were compiled in Mongolia’s first White Paper on Disaster Prevention, including laws, regulations, systems, and organizational structures related to earthquake disaster prevention, earthquake disaster prevention planning, communication and emergency response systems, earthquake observation systems, land use and development regulations, building and infrastructure earthquake resistance, and community disaster prevention. In addition, legislation has been established for the demolition and reconstruction of buildings deemed to be earthquake-proof, and a simplified seismic evaluation of existing buildings is underway. As the central government’s responsibility for earthquake disaster prevention, it is necessary to ensure that seismic evaluation and projects for earthquake resistance are carried out with priority given to important public buildings, such as government buildings and key hospitals, which must not lose their functions in the event of a disaster. In order to achieve this, issues such as policy formulation, human resources and technology, and disaster prevention education and awareness must be resolved.
This cooperation will establish a system to implement earthquake resistance projects by updating and developing new policies, systems, and laws to strengthen earthquake resistance and strengthening the capacity of relevant government officials and designers/builders, thereby contributing to earthquake disaster risk reduction by strengthening earthquake resistance from important public buildings.
© Source JICA
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