Hana no Eki Ikoma Kogen (8565 Minami-nishikata, Kobayashi City, Miyazaki Prefecture), operated by Miyazaki Kotsu, will hold the “2023 Hana no Eki Ikoma Kogen Poppy Festival” in the park, which is colored blue by approximately 400,000 nemophila. The period is from April 15 to May 14 (9:00 to 17:00 each day).
Flower Station Ikoma Kogen is located 500 meters above sea level, overlooking the city and the Kirishima mountain range. The nemophila flowers that were sown last winter on half of the site, an area the size of two Tokyo Domes, came into bloom in late March, and with the rise in temperature in April, the flowers are now in full bloom.
In addition, the park will be filled with approximately 250,000 poppies, Livingston daisies, marigolds, and other spring flowers, which will be in full bloom from the peak of the season during GW.
During the Poppy Festival, various events will be held, including a food garden featuring Miyazaki’s gourmet foods, a product market, a stamp rally, a flower arrangement class, and a real treasure hunt game.
Admission is 600 yen for adults / 100 yen for elementary school students / free for preschool children. Details of various events are listed on the official website.
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