On April 12, JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents) presented an overview of Tourism Expo Japan 2023 Osaka-Kansai, one of the world’s largest travel events.
The exhibition will run for four days from October 26 to 29, with the first two days being industry days and the second half being open to the public. The venue is INTEX Osaka (1-5-102 Nanko-Kita, Suminoe-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture), and the organizers are the Japan Tourism Organization (JTA), JATA, and the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO).
The theme of this year’s event is “A Festival of Travel to Meet the Future. This event will be held as “an event that will lead to the 2025 Osaka-Kansai World Expo,” as it will be the perfect opportunity to communicate the future image of travel after the Corona Disaster.
The target number of visitors is 150,000 (48,000 on industry days and 102,000 on general days), and the target number of exhibitor booths is 1,245. Applications for the exhibition itself will be accepted until the end of May. The number of visitors to the previous show in Osaka (2019) was 151,099.
It was reported today that the government has made final adjustments to Osaka’s bid to host an integrated resort (IR), including a casino, and is working with both Osaka and Nagasaki to have the plan approved.
Manabu Hayasaka, General Manager of the Tourism Expo Japan Promotion Office, explained the significance of the event, saying, “From Osaka, we will appeal to both domestic and international visitors that the travel and tourism industry is back in full swing.
Admission is free on industry days with pre-registration, and on general days is 800 yen in advance and 1,300 yen at the door. Tickets are available on the Tourism Expo Japan website and will also be back on sale at convenience stores this year.
The keynote speech will be delivered on the first day from 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m., and is scheduled with the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo in mind. The TEJ Tourism Ministers’ Meeting will be held from 14:20 to 16:20 on the first day, and will be attended by tourism ministers from 15 to 20 countries, representatives of UNTWO, WTTC, PATA, and ATTA, and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or the Director General of the Tourism Agency.
Applications for the 7th Japan Tourism Awards, which will be presented on the first day of the Tourism Expo Japan, are now being accepted. The application period is from April 3 to June 30.
From this year, the Japan Tourism Awards will be integrated with the Japan Tourism Agency’s annual “Director-General’s Award” to increase the number of entries through public-private partnership. In addition, the main purpose of the awards has been revised to make it more meaningful to widely disseminate the award-winning initiatives as model cases for contributing to local communities, ensuring safety and security, improving productivity, and taking the environment into consideration.
The areas of application are domestic (domestic and inbound travel) and overseas. The target number of applications is 200.
© Source travel watch
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