JAF (Japan Automobile Federation) has released a “live-action” hazard prediction and accident avoidance training video in areas where streetcars run. Filmed with the cooperation of Hiroshima Electric Railway, the video is effective as a reminder to drivers to be careful when driving in unfamiliar areas during the holiday season such as GW and summer vacation.
About 75% of all road failures involving streetcars are due to “car drivers’ lack of right rearward safety checks,” and the first video explains the dangers of turning right across the trackbed, and the second video explains how to predict the dangers near a streetcar stop (or depot).
In areas where streetcars run, there are rules that are easy for unfamiliar drivers to get wrong, such as the priority of streetcars on the trackbed and the yellow-light arrow signal for streetcars only. Both videos are quite hilarious, and if you plan to drive in the relevant area, it is a good idea to watch the videos to prepare yourself.
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