The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Loan Agreement (L/A) of up to 10 billion yen with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in Dar es Salaam on April 27 for the “Tanzania Agricultural Input Support Project.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused grain and fertilizer prices to skyrocket around the world, hitting people in countries and regions with fragile economic foundations and social structures. in Tanzania, where the agricultural sector accounts for 26% of GDP and 61.5% of the working population, price hikes have directly affected food security for the entire nation. The price hikes are directly affecting the food security of the entire nation.
This project will contribute to building a strong agricultural base by expanding the supply of high-quality agricultural inputs (seeds and fertilizers) in response to the food security crisis.
Since the 1960s, JICA has been comprehensively addressing the promotion of rice cultivation under the “Community for the Advancement of Rice Development in Africa (CARD) Phase 2” through grant aid, grant assistance, and technical cooperation projects, including support for rice production, promotion of irrigated agriculture, and establishment of food value chains and other systems. The food security measures through this project are expected to have a synergistic effect with these existing projects and contribute to Goals 1 (End Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), and 5 (Achieve Gender Equality) of the SDGs, in addition to economic and social stability in Tanzania.
Details of the project are as follows
Amount and terms of loan
© Source JICA
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