Watarase Gorge Railway and Nikko City in Tochigi Prefecture, in cooperation with Kiryu City and Midori City in Gunma Prefecture, will operate the “Zombie Train,” a special train utilizing the Watarase Gorge Railway, a total of nine times from June 4 to September 9.
ZOMBIE TRAIN” is an experience-type event in which participants try to escape and survive from a terrifying situation that occurs on the train. There are two courses, an “up” course and a “down” course, and each course has its own storyline, so you can enjoy the event even if you only go one way. Each session is limited to 60 people.
Fees include the fare, trolley ticket fee, and event participation fee. Children (elementary school students and younger): 2,000 yen one-way, 3,000 yen round-trip. One zombie train poster (A1 size) is included per participating group.
You can apply on the website or by calling the Watarase Gorge Railway head office. Ekiben can also be ordered as an additional option.
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