Fujikyuko, Tokunitoge, and KDDI began offering the Machikame selfie service and Machikame reel, a video of memories, at Hakone Tokunitoge (Hakone Tokunitoge), a tourist spot with a spectacular view of Mount Fuji and Suruga Bay (Hakonan Town, Tagata County, Shizuoka Prefecture).
Machikame is a system that allows users to scan a QR code installed at the glamping facility “THE GLAMPING Hakone Tokkoku Touge” with their smartphones and automatically take “photos that look good” with professional compositions that cannot be taken by self-service photographers.
Machikame Reel can automatically generate original videos from photos taken with Machikame and download them to your smartphone.
Filming and downloading are both free. Also, if you share your video on SNS or respond to a survey, you will receive a local product.
© Source travel watch
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