JAL, which has bases throughout Japan, has been continuously implementing regional revitalization initiatives (currently the “JAL Furusato Project”), and in August 2020 launched the “JAL Furusato Ambassadors,” cabin crew members selected through an in-house recruitment process who move to the area to promote initiatives in their respective regions. In December of the same year, JAL appointed “JAL Hometown Cheering Troops” who are involved in regional revitalization while serving as flight attendants. The aim is to develop products and solve regional issues for hometowns and other regions with which they have connections, utilizing the knowledge they have accumulated as flight attendants.
We interviewed Ms. Kyoko Watanabe, a JAL Furusato Ambassador who is involved in raising awareness of “Sanriku Shiogama Higashiimono” at the Tohoku Branch Office.
–What can you tell us about your initiatives?
Japan Airlines is implementing an initiative aimed at raising awareness of Sanriku Shiogama Higashi-mono (Sanriku Shiogama Higashi) in Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and creating an opportunity for people to visit the production area. Sanriku Shiogama Higashi-mono” is a brand of fresh bigeye tuna landed off the east coast of Sanriku from early autumn to winter, and only those tuna that meet certain criteria such as “freshness,” “color and luster,” “fat content,” and “umami” can be certified.
–How are you involved in this effort?
At the “Sanriku Shiogama Higashimono” sales opening and departure ceremony held on September 14, we had the opportunity to observe the unloading and auction, participate in the Kagami-wari (breaking open a sake barrel) and tasting sessions, and learn about the appeal of higashimono onsite.
In order to expand sales channels, JAL transported the fish by air for the first time, allowing the fish to be transported to far-flung areas. The fresh fish was transported quickly, and for two weeks from October 19, restaurants at Fukuoka Airport served tuna nigiri, chutoro aburi, tetsubi donburi, and other dishes.
–What are your future plans and prospects?
This initiative was initiated by JAL, which shared the desire of Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, to distribute “Sanriku Shiogama Higashi-mono” domestically and internationally, and to spread its deliciousness widely. In particular, at the sales opening ceremony, students from Shiogama Municipal Daini Junior High School unveiled a big fish flag, and people involved in the “Sanriku Shiogama Higashiimono” event broke open a sake barrel, and the Shiogama community came together to celebrate the departure of the higashimono.
With the wishes of the local people in mind, we will continue to deliver the taste of Sanriku Shiogama Higashimono to Itami Airport, which operates flights from Sendai Airport, as well as overseas.
–What is your message to travelers?
Many restaurants in Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, serve “Sanriku Shiogama Higashimono” from September to December. Sanriku Shiogama Higashimono” has a perfect balance between the refined fat and the lightness of bigeye tuna, and you will never get tired of eating this tuna. We hope you will come to Shiogama City, which is said to have the largest number of sushi restaurants per capita in Japan, and taste “Sanriku Shiogama Higashi-mono,” the pride of Miyagi Prefecture.
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