3Q Mart will release items featuring three popular Disney cat characters in time for Cat’s Day (February 22), with the first item to be released in late February and the second to be released in the spring.
The new collection is based on the theme of “Meow Meow Meow,” and features Marie from “Fashionable Cat,” Figaro from “Pinocchio,” and Cheshire Cat from “Alice in Wonderland,” as well as other household goods. The collection includes “hair iron case,” “chou chou,” “eco bag,” “rug mat,” and “sheepskin bag. There are also “rug mats” and “sixes”. Priced at 390 yen (429 yen).
The “Cheshire Cat” items are based on its image color, purple. The design is full of Cheshire Cat-like pop expressions, with a smiley face as the charm point.
The pink and white-based “Marie” items have a spring-like coloring. Fans of Marie will be pleased to see the design incorporating ribbons and depicting her siblings Berlioz and Toulouse.
The black-colored “Figaro” items are designed to be both chic and cute. The cute adult design should be easy to incorporate into your daily life. Why not casually add these items to your collection?
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