On July 9, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions (R/D) with the government of the Republic of Uganda in Kampala, the capital of the country, on the technical cooperation project “Capacity Building for Water Supply and Sewerage Regional Training Base Project. In Sub-Saharan Africa, access rates to safe water have been improving across countries as part of efforts to achieve the SDGs goals. However, in urban areas of many countries, the development of water supply facilities has not kept pace with rapid population growth, resulting in constraints on the volume and duration of water supply, leading to poor quality of service and customer satisfaction, and ultimately, under-collection of water fees and poor management of water utilities are common challenges.
Signing Ceremony
Since the 1990s, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) of Uganda has been implementing reforms based on a long-term strategy to achieve and sustain business improvements, and using this experience to strengthen NWSC’s revenue structure and business operations by providing services through training programs and other means to external customers, both domestic and international, and to promote South-South cooperation and interregional This is a key element of JICA’s goal of promoting South-South cooperation and interregional partnerships. This is in line with JICA’s goal of contributing to the African water supply sector through mutual learning and collaboration among African water utilities. Working with the NWSC as an important collaborative partner for JICA projects is also important from the perspective of promoting the long-term capacity building and growth of African water utilities and the water supply sector.
This project aims to strengthen the foundation of the training business by improving the training planning capacity and skills of NWSC, which provides water and wastewater services in Uganda, and to promote the diversification of the revenue structure through these efforts. NWSC, as a training provider, aims to become a capacity-building hub for water and wastewater service providers in the African region. Through this cooperation, NWSC will contribute to SDG Goal 6 (Bring safe water and toilets to the world) and Goal 17 (Achieve the goals through partnership).
The details of the project are as follows
Project Basic Information
© Source JICA
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