Everyone is going to dance lessons together! New items for lessons are now on sale! In the new story set on Cape Cod, where winter has arrived, the story revolves around Stellar Rue, Leena Belle and Duffy. The story centers on Stellar Rue, Leena Belle, and Duffy. The story shows how Duffy reaches out to catch the snowflakes that have begun to fall, and how Stellar Rue begins to dance gracefully, giving birth to the “Snowflake Dance”. New items on sale include a ballet costume and a snowflake tiara. Also available is a warm and cozy Nuidogumi costume. The lineup also includes items to bring to dance lessons, such as a Boston bag (5,600 yen) and a face towel (2,300 yen), both of which can hold plenty of small items. Stationery items to look back on your lessons will also be available.
Food Souvenirs are full of Stella Lou colors! Starry designs are the key at the Cape Cod Cook-Off. At the Cape Cod Cook-Off, you can get food souvenirs in the “Duffy & Friends’ Dancing Snowflakes” design. The design is full of Stella Lou-like colors and star shapes that will make your heart sparkle and dance. The “Strawberry Milk Pudding & Yogurt Mousse” (550 yen for a single item, plus 750 yen with a souvenir cup) and the “Blackcurrant Jelly & Raspberry Mousse Cake” (550 yen for a single item, 750 yen with a souvenir plate), as well as drink bottles and lunch cases are also available. The event will also sell drink bottles, lunch cases, and other items. The “Cream & Berry Drink (Stella Roo)” (700 yen), which is based on the image of Duffy and Stella Roo, will also be available again, as it was last year.
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