Bunmeido Tokyo released “Moomin Sponge Cake Rolls in Pouch of 3” on November 19. This is the third collaboration with Moomin, and includes three types of sponge cake rolls in a pouch with an original design by Bunmeido. The price is 2420 yen.
The Honey, Green Tea, and Strawberry flavors each feature Moomin, Snufkin, and Little Mii on the packaging, with Mii’s package making its first appearance. The pouch is a square type measuring 15 x 12.5 x 8 cm and is elaborately made with Moomin embroidery and a double name tag. The lining is an all-over print of Moomin, Snufkin, and Little Mii.
In addition to the Bunmeido Online Store, the product will be available at Bunmeido directly-operated stores and Moomin Shops in Ginza, Futakotamagawa, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Osaka.
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