Tokyo Rikishi, operated by Rise Up, in collaboration with LATTEST, Amuse, and Asakusa Roku-gu Area Management Association, will launch a new service called “Hobby Foot-Paddling Kayak Tour (HOBIE KAYAK TOUR)” on November 23.
Sumida City is conducting a social experiment to revitalize sightseeing boating and create a lively waterfront area by utilizing the “Koume-bashi Pier,” a new disaster-prevention pier on the Kita-Jumen River and Sumida Park sightseeing route.
To coincide with the launch, Suntory Foods International will collaborate with the “Tsukurou! Asakusa Memories Photo Can by SnapDrink,” an event to be held by Suntory Foods International from November 22 to December 22 in Asakusa, Tokyo.
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