Emergency relief supplies provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for damage caused by Hurricane Rafael in the Republic of Cuba have been delivered to the country.
Emergency relief supplies for the Republic of Cuba arrived in Havana, the capital of Cuba, on November 25. A handover ceremony was held at the Jose Marti International Airport at 5:30 p.m. (local time) on the same day, attended by Ms. Deborah Rivas, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment from the Cuban side, and Mr. Kazuto Nakamura, Ambassador of Japan to Cuba, Mr. Tatsuya Ashida, Director of JICA Cuba Office from the Japanese side.
At the handover ceremony, Ambassador Nakamura expressed his hope that the supplies provided this time would contribute to the earliest possible recovery and his confidence that the Cuban people have the strength to do so, referring to Japan’s support for hurricane victims in the past, including in 2017 and 2022. Director Asida expressed his condolences to the victims of the disaster, and stated that he would continue to provide support so that the relief supplies would be delivered to the victims as soon as possible. In response, Undersecretary Rivas expressed his deep appreciation to the Japanese government and people, and stated that this support is truly humanitarian and represents the special relationship that connects the two countries, and that the donated goods will be promptly distributed to the victims in Artemisa Prefecture, which has suffered tremendous damage.
Ambassador Nakamura, Undersecretary Rivas, and Director Asida in front of the donated goods and flags of both countries
(2nd, 3rd, and 4th from right) Director Asida (left) and Deputy Director Rivas (right) shake hands after signing the certificate of acceptance.
© Source JICA
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