JICA Mongolia Office Director Miyagi delivers opening remarks
Pitch by the collaborative project “3D printed custom-fit orthotics for people with movement disorders”.
Event Summary
Conference name: Mongolia open Innovation and Co-creation for SDGs: MICS-2024 Interim Event
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 14:00-17:45 (Mongolian time)
Languages: Japanese and Mongolian
Organized by: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Mongolia Office
Special Co-sponsor: Department of Business and Innovation, City of Ulaanbaatar
Co-organized by Mongolia-Japan Human Resources Development Center
Supported by: Ministry of Education of Mongolia, Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Communications of Mongolia, Ministry of National Ethnic, Labor and Social Security of Mongolia, Embassy of Mongolia in Japan, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Executive Committee: Japan alumni association for international students returning to Japan (JUGAMO)
Venue: Ulaanbaatar Chuulga, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (event site)
13:30 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 – 15:30 Networking
15:30 – 15:35 Organizer’s Remarks (JICA)
15:35 – 15:50 Introduction to MICS2024 Initiatives (JUGAMO)
15:50 – 17:00 Pitches by collaborative project teams (10 teams)
17:00 – 17:10 Pitches by Social Innovator Hub (SIH) participants
17:10 – 17:40 Panel Discussion “Initiatives for Cooperation between Japanese and Mongolian Stakeholders” (JICA, Exponential Zaisan Partners , BIA, JUGAMO)
17:40 – 17:45 Presentation of two JICA-supported projects
On November 20, 2024, the interim event of “Mongolia Open Innovation and Co-Creation for SDGs (MICS) 2024” was held in Ulaanbaatar. MICS is a program that supports a wide range of stakeholders in industry, government, academia, and finance from Japan and Mongolia to bring together technologies, ideas, and funds to co-create innovative solutions and work together in a collaborative manner to solve social issues and achieve the SDGs.
Through the MICS2024 kick-off event held on June 11, booth exhibitors, online participants, and 210 participants in attendance discussed co-creation of innovative solutions and collaboration, and 43 collaborative project proposals were submitted. As a result of the document screening (first screening), 15 collaborative projects were selected.
The 15 selected collaborative project teams made a pitch in front of about 40 Mongolian and 100 Japanese participants at MICS2024 in Tokyo held on August 5 at JICA headquarters (Ichigaya) to invite Japanese participation and cooperation in collaborative projects, and networking sessions. The event was attended by about 40 Mongolian participants and about 100 Japanese participants.
On August 19, 15 collaborative project teams made pitches in front of about 500 participants (about 100 from Japan and 400 from Mongolia) at the “Japan-Mongolia International Business Forum 2024” held in Ulaanbaatar. As a result of the final screening, 10 collaborative projects were selected and three of them were awarded activity grants by the Science, Industry and Innovation Department of Ulaanbaatar City. JICA is supporting 10 selected collaborative projects until February 2025 through mentoring and partial subsidies for travel between Japan and Mongolia.
At this interim event, 140 people attended and 10 collaborative project teams made pitches on the progress of their activities. In addition, a panel discussion was held on the theme of initiatives for cooperation between Japanese and Mongolian stakeholders, and a collaborative project for which JICA provided partial support for implementation costs was presented. Researchers from the National University of Mongolia and the University of Science and Technology, who participated in the Social Innovator Hub (SIH) conducted by JICA at Tohoku University, also gave pitches on their activities. There was also time for networking with the 10 collaborative projects and SIH participants at the venue.
Finally, the final event will be held in early February 2025, and those interested in participating or cooperating in the 10 collaborative projects are welcome to contact us at
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
Japan alumni association of foreign students returning to Japan (JUGAMO) mics.jica.2024@gmail.com
Outline of the 10 selected collaborative projects (★: Ulaanbaatar Business Innovation Bureau, ●: projects for which JICA will provide partial support for implementation costs)
*Project name links are to presentation materials.
Pitch by the collaborative project “Recycle and Flexible encode RFID Tag Case
Collaborative projects “Production of Natural Science Education Equipment” and “Bio-toilet Project” awarded with activity grants from JICA.
© Source JICA
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