Samantha Thavasa Japan Limited launched the “Disney Collection / Guessing Things Series” from &chouette, a series of Disney-designed guess-the-go bags.
There are nine designs and colors. Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, and Goofy. Pooh Piglet, Tigger, and Eeyore are also available. Each is priced at 18,700 yen.
Each bag comes in characterful shades and has a character stamped on the side of the bag. A large charm tag is also included. They will be useful for adding to your Disney-bound coordinate or for showing off your love for your guesses. The clear pocket on the back can be arranged to hold a stuffed animal or to display a row of can badges. The interior is excellent for storing guess items and organizing on-site items such as penlights and actas.
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