JICA President Akihiko Tanaka met with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) President Achim Steiner at JICA headquarters on December 16.
At the beginning of his remarks, President Tanaka welcomed President Steiner’s visit on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Japan’s international cooperation, and noted that the collaborative relationship with UNDP is evolving further and that he hopes to continue to strengthen cooperation with JICA as a partner that shares and continues to co-create the concept of human security.
President Steiner expressed his gratitude to JICA for the opportunity to meet with him and for their past collaborative efforts, and stressed the importance of developing platforms such as TICAD through the mobilization of the private sector and the use of innovative digital solutions. He also expressed his desire to continue to promote collaboration with JICA in order to contribute to the resolution of various global issues, including political instability in the Middle East.
He also emphasized that it is important to envision a better future and to seek and work on ways of development cooperation to realize that future, especially now that we are facing many difficulties such as political turmoil and economic constraints. and to work together with UNDP to bring about cooperation and collaboration with a variety of development actors.
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