The end of the year is finally here. The end of the year is finally upon us, and with it comes the great migration of peoples, the rush to return home, and the rush to make a U-turn. I am one of those people who will be traveling in the midst of the rush. Naturally, the station premises will be filled with more people than usual. In such a situation, is there any way to move around as smoothly as possible? I have tried to think about it, with particular emphasis on the inside of stations.
Moving around in the station – especially difficult for parents and children
When parents and children travel together, not only do they have more people, but they also tend to have more luggage. If they were in a car, they could just throw everyone into the luggage space and be done with it, but when traveling by train, they have to walk with it in their own hands. Naturally, mobility is reduced.
Especially if you have an infant or toddler, you will probably have to move them around in a stroller more often. If the area is empty, but crowded, it can be a challenge just to move around while avoiding people. And with the addition of a stroller, there is more baggage to carry.
What is particularly annoying about railroads is the inevitable vertical movement. It is especially annoying when you follow the “← Exit” sign and find that there are only stairs waiting for you.
If there are two or more escalators in a row, it is common for them to be used in both directions, with one escalator going up and the other going down. If there is only one escalator, however, the escalator will only go in one direction. In this case, the escalator going in the opposite direction will be located at a distance from the other escalator, or there will be no escalator going down but only up.
If possible, it would be a good idea to “study up” on the station map for each station that you will be using when traveling. If the station map is publicly available, you can usually find something by searching for “station map”. You can print it out and carry it with you.
By looking at that station map and knowing the structure of the station, its overall layout, and where the escalators and elevators are located, one can expect to save time and effort in looking around for elevators and escalators, and in finding the conduits for transfers.
However, even if the station map shows “where the escalators and elevators are located,” it often does not indicate “near what car number. Even so, if a rough location is known, it can be used to infer the location of the car and its relationship to the train.
For example, on the Tokaido Shinkansen, all trains are 16-car trains, so cars 8 to 9 are located near the center of the platform. Then, the location of each car can be inferred from whether it is closer to Hakata or Tokyo than to the center of the platform. The Hokuriku Shinkansen also follows the same procedure, since all trains have 12-car trains. In comparison, it is more difficult to determine the location of trains with various numbers of cars.
Note that if one is traveling alone and light, on the other hand, avoiding elevators and escalators and using the stairs may make travel somewhat smoother. Although we cannot guarantee that you will be able to move faster, it is during extremely busy periods when many people are concentrated in elevators and escalators, and the tendency to get stuck there increases.
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