On January 9, Japan Weather Service released the “First Cherry Bloom/Full Bloom Forecast for 2025” for someiyoshino cherry trees at about 1,000 locations from Hokkaido to Kagoshima.
Temperatures are expected to be normal or higher than normal nationwide from January to March, and the flowering time this season is expected to be on par with normal. Although the timing of the dormancy break is expected to be later than normal due to the high temperatures in October and November of last year, the flower buds are expected to begin growing again later than normal, but the delay in dormancy break will be made up and flowering will begin around March 22 in Kochi, Fukuoka, and Kagoshima, followed by the Kanto Koshin, Tokai, and Chugoku regions.
Flowering in Kochi and Fukuoka is expected to be the same as normal, Kagoshima 4 days earlier, and Tokyo around March 24, the same as normal.
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