JR Kyushu will offer “My Seat for Excel Pass,” a special ticket. The tickets will go on sale on February 1 and be used from March 1.
A ticket that allows you to use the same seat in a reserved seat on a designated train for one month. The validity period is always from the first to the last day of the month, and tickets that are valid from the middle of the month cannot be purchased. Tickets are available at the Midori-no-madoguchi (ticket window) from the first day of the month prior to the month in which the ticket is to be used until the first day of the month in question only for holders of “Excel Pass,” a commuter pass that allows the use of non-reserved seats on limited express trains.
The applicable trains are the five down trains and three up trains of the limited express trains that run between Mojiko Station and Kokura Station and Hakata Station during the morning commuting hours (6:00-8:00 a.m.). Seats can be reserved in advance, and in principle, passengers can choose from Car No. 1 or Car No. 2 (Car No. 5 for some Kirameki trains). The seat position can be changed only once before the start of the validity period.
There are two types of tickets: one for Green Seat, which allows use of the Green Car, and one for Reserved Seat, which allows use of the reserved seat of a standard car. The slower the train is, the cheaper it is for green seats, with savings of up to 18,200 yen compared to paying green fares 20 times.
In addition, for the first season of March and April, the “My Seat Trial Campaign” offers a flat rate of 5,000 yen for Green Seats and 3,000 yen for Reserved Seats.
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