The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Grant Agreement (G/A) with the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on February 6 in Agadir for the “Suira Kedima New Generation Fishing Port Development Project”.
Signing Ceremony
A summary of the business is as follows
Project Summary
Suira Kedima New Generation Fishing Port Development Plan
Project for the Development of the New Generation Fishing Port at Souiria K`dima
Country (region covered)
Kingdom of Morocco
Suira Kedima, Safi Province, Marrakech-Safi
Business Objectives
This project aims to improve the port’s capacity to handle fresh fish and accommodate fishing vessels by expanding facilities and equipment, and to make the port multifunctional by adding a tourism linkage function, thereby contributing to the strengthening and diversification of economic activities in and around the port.
(a) Facilities and equipment:
Facilities】New breakwater, new landing wharf, new seawall, new high-level sanitation zone (including new wholesale market), extension of existing breakwater, new terrace for sightseeing, expansion of boat yard
Equipment] Ice machine
(b) Consulting Services:
Detailed design, bidding assistance, construction supervision, soft components (strengthening organizational capacity for new economic activities, establishing operation and maintenance systems for facilities, equipment, and materials)
Maximum Amount of Provision
2,003 million yen
Scheduled implementation period
43 months (including detailed design and bidding period)
Implementing Agency
(1) Project Implementing Agency: Department of Marine Fisheries (DPM), Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests
(2) Operation and Maintenance Organization: DPM Headquarters and Safi Branch
Contribution to the achievement of the SDGs
Goal 1 (Eliminate poverty)
Goal 8 (both job satisfaction and economic growth)
Goal 14 (Let’s protect the abundance of our oceans)
© Source JICA
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