Tokyo Otaku Mode has released a “3-way Satchel Bag & Pouch Set” (9,900 yen), inspired by the trunk bag of Freelen, the main character in the TV anime “Sougou no Freelen. It will be available at the Village Vanguard online store.
The satchel bag can be used in three styles: backpack, shoulder, and handbag, and has five pockets inside and outside the bag for organizing small items and storing plastic bottles. It measures approximately 235 x 320 x 100 mm (length x width x depth).
The pouch is mini-sized, 105 x 160 x 60 mm, and the leather label on the surface is stamped with the image of a freeloader being eaten by a mimic.
In addition, the Village Vanguard online store sells a variety of other goods, including an acrylic stand (2,200 yen) and postcards (330 yen) for “Sourei no Freelen.
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