Walt Disney Japan will release new items from December 19 in the third installment of “Disney ARTIST COLLECTION by YUKO HIGUCHI,” a joint project with popular artist Yuko Higuchi at the Disney Store.
From December 13, reservations for in-store purchases at actual stores via the Disney Store Club app will begin. To make reservations, you must be a member of the Disney Store Club.
Following the November release of “Pinocchio” Figaro, the collection will be released in three consecutive months, with “Bambi” Tonsuke on December 19 and “Cinderella” Lucifer items on January 16, 2024.
This year’s collection is based on the motif of Tonsuke from the Disney classic film “Bambi,” and includes a variety of tableware such as teapots (3,800 yen) and cups and saucers (3,300 yen), as well as interior items such as cushions (3,800 yen) and blankets (4,400 yen).
The store also offers a wide range of goods for daily use, such as a “vanity pouch” (4,500 yen), a “mirror” (3,900 yen), and a “tote bag” (5,200 yen).
In addition to the items introduced here, there are a variety of other items available, so please visit Shop Disney for more details.
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