Tokyo Disneyland will host “Donald’s Quacky Duck City,” the second installment of the “Disney Palpalooza” special event series, starting April 9.
The theme of the park is “Duck City,” Donald Duck’s ideal town, and you can have a crazy time in a park colored all over by Donald.
In the midst of all this, what you may want to savor during a short break is the “Sparkling Jelly Drink (Tropical Fruit & Orange) with Souvenir Coaster” (1,000 yen) at the Plaza Pavilion Restaurant. The visual is already in Donald Duck colors. The white bubbles, yellow syrup, and even the drink itself looks blue but tastes orange, making it a fun and unexpected drink.
Drinks come with a souvenir coaster. You will receive one of three different coasters at random. Each design depicts a happy Donald Duck receiving praise from his friends.
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