Tokyu Corporation is conducting the “Tokyu Line Morning Toku! Off-Peak Challenge” at Tokyu Line stations. The period is from December 2 to January 31, 2025.
The service is based on 30 points per participation, and up to four times as many points will be awarded (per day) depending on the number of times a person participates. This service is a great deal for those who commute off-peak as a habit.
In the “Den-en-toshi Line Early Bird Campaign” conducted by Tokyu Corporation last fiscal year 2023, approximately 14% of the participants (an average of approximately 800 people per day) shifted to off-peak hours, confirming the effect of reducing congestion equivalent to approximately 2 points of congestion rate. It was also found that those who participated in the campaign at least twice a week were more likely to continue off-peak commuting after the campaign ended. Based on the results of the previous campaign, the company now plans to launch a new service to encourage people to make morning commuting and other lifestyle habits a habit, so that more people can experience a comfortable commute during off-peak hours.
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