Name Affiliation Title Yasuko Inoue Project Long-term Expert, Sustainable Forest Management and Landscape Restoration for Forest Sector Strengthening and Community Climate Change Resilience (SFS-CORECC) Project, Kenya, JICA
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 12:00-13:30 (local time)
Co-organized by the Kenyan Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forests (MECCF) and Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),
Co-organized by Tanzania Forest Service Agency, Sudan National Forest Corporation, Mozambique Ministry of Land and Environment
Venue (Pavilion Name):East Africa Community Pavilion (Blue Zone)
Name Affiliation Title Rose Akombo Senior Forest Conservation Officer, Forest Service, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forests, Kenya Sami Izutsu Sami, Development and Intelligence Team Leader, Carbon Solutions Unit, Sumitomo Corporation Grace Chemunto Ogechi, Project Officer, SFS-CORECC Project JICA Beth Weremba, Forest Conservation Officer, Kenya Forest Service Elikana John, Senior Forest Conservation Officer, Tanzania Forest Service Agency Saida Ali Ahmad Khalil, National Coordinator for REDD+, Sudan National Forest Service Joaquim Armando Makuakua, Mapping and Data Management, National Forest Service, Ministry of Land and Environment, Mozambique Mr. Noriaki Sakaguchi, Chief, Division Chief Mr. Peter Silayo, International Cooperation Specialist, Global Environment Department, JICA
Background and Objectives
This side event will showcase collaborative efforts in Kenya and other African countries that are using innovative forest management practices to support climate change goals, and will discuss the importance of developing comprehensive strategies that focus on gender and social considerations, the need for monitoring and data systems that are essential for effective forest management, and forest To discuss financial inclusion through mechanisms such as payments for ecosystem services (PES) and carbon markets, which are the driving force behind sustainable financing for conservation.
In addition, the event shared the knowledge of countries that are pioneering “landscape and ecosystem restoration,” a critical initiative for achieving NDC (nationally determined contribution) goals and promoting sustainable development, and highlighted the importance of working together to achieve long-term climate resilience and sustainable forest management across Africa. The event highlighted the importance of working together to achieve long-term climate resilience and sustainable forest management across Africa.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Akombo emphasized that African countries are taking particularly bold and important steps in the forest sector to advance global climate action through ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution Targets (NDCs), and stressed the important role of further knowledge exchange and best practice sharing among African countries. He stressed the important role of further knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices among African countries. Mr. Akombo also introduced Kenya’s national goal of growing 15 billion trees by 2032, highlighting this as a presidential initiative aimed at achieving landscape conservation and ecosystem restoration.
The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Izutsu of Sumitomo Corporation, who shared his views on carbon projects from a private sector perspective. Mr. Izutsu pointed out that compared to traditional corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, carbon initiatives provide more sustainable and long-term support for reforestation.
Mr. Ogech, JICA Officer for the SFS-CORECC project in Kenya, introduced JICA’s 39 years of support to the Kenyan forestry sector and explained the three forest policy support projects under the current SFS-CORECC project and the promotion of green finance in Kitui County. He focused on activities targeting schools in Kitsap County. Mr. Weremba also introduced his work on the development of forest ecosystem service assessment guidelines under the SFS-CORECC project, and gave examples of their practical application.
John from Tanzania provided information on Tanzania’s logging timber tracking system, which has improved governance and significantly increased national revenues. Mr. Saeda of Sudan outlined the progress of the national REDD+ policy and the submission of reference levels (RELs). Meanwhile, Mr. Makuakua of Mozambique introduced the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and the submission of the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) Technical Annex for REDD+. Both Mr. John and Mr. Makuakua expressed their hope for the resumption of JJ-FAST.
In closing, Mr. Sakaguchi, JICA International Cooperation Specialist, emphasized the importance of regional cooperation in advancing global climate change goals and highlighted expectations for TICAD 9 to be held in Yokohama next year as a platform to strengthen partnerships in support of African climate and development goals.
The event featured a comprehensive discussion of innovative solutions and experiences in forest management and monitoring, highlighting the pivotal role of the African forest sector in combating climate change.
CORECC Project, Kenya), Mr. Sakaguchi (JICA HQ), from front left Mr. Izutsu (Sumitomo Corporation), Mr. Ogech (JICA SFS-CORECC)
© Source JICA
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