Conference Title: The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 2024 (HSR2024)
Dates: November 18 – 22, 2024
Co-organizers (host site steering committee): JICA, Nagasaki University, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Nagasaki City, WHO Research Center for Health Development (Kobe), Japan Center for International Exchange, Global Health Civil Society Network, Nagasaki International Tourism and Convention Association, Japan Society for International Health, Asian Development Bank Representative in Japan Offices
Location: Dejima Messe Nagasaki, Nagasaki
Main Participants
More than 1,500 researchers and practitioners from 113 countries and regions, including
Background and Objectives
The Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) is the world’s largest conference dedicated to Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) and is held every two years by Health Systems Global (HSG). More than 1,500 researchers and practitioners from around the world participate in the conference, which focuses on achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through health systems strengthening, and Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR). The HSR in Nagasaki is a comprehensive and detailed discussion of issues such as the establishment and strengthening of a global framework for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPR) through the strengthening of health systems. HSR2024, which will be held in Nagasaki, also focuses on the issue of climate change and health through the perspective of “planetary health. HSR2024 will provide a platform for global exchange and promotion of HPSR and an opportunity to demonstrate Japan’s leadership role in global health.
The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 2024 (HSR2024), held for the first time in Japan, was attended by over 1,500 researchers and practitioners from 113 countries and regions around the world. Building Just and Sustainable Health Systems: People-Centered Protection of the Planet”, the following perspectives were discussed
1 . Strengthening Health Systems for Planetary Health
Strengthening Health Systems for Planetary Health 2 . Promoting Equity, Inclusiveness and Unity of Health Systems in Peacetime and Conflict
Promoting equity, inclusiveness and unity of health systems in peace and conflict 3 . Health governance, health policy, and institutional frameworks for equitable and sustainable health systems
Health governance, health policy, and institutional frameworks for equitable and sustainable health systems 4 . Knowledge for equitable health systems
As a member of the Host Steering Committee, JICA contributed to the conference’s invitation to Japan and overall planning, and organized eight satellite sessions. In addition, JICA’s on-the-ground efforts in line with the Japanese government’s Global Health Strategy and the outcome document of the G7 Hiroshima Summit were presented through various sessions, mini-events, and exhibition booths by officials and staff from partner countries in Africa and Asia, as well as international cooperation specialists. At the closing ceremony, JICA Executive Director Imoto took the stage to summarize the five days of discussions and express JICA’s commitment to building a just and sustainable health system.
In addition to steadily promoting cooperative projects on the ground in developing countries, JICA will continue its efforts to deepen discussions with experts in health policy and systems research by strategically communicating its contributions to global health, and to effectively utilize the networks and knowledge gained in the process for its projects.
JICA Satellite Session 1
JICA Satellite Session 2
JICA mini-event in session
The JICA exhibition booth
© Source JICA
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