Theme for 2025 is “Investment for Growth
Realize “the best treatment” for human resources, the source of growth
Seibu Holdings Co.
Chairman and CEO
Takashi Goto
Happy New Year!
In 2025, VUCA will become deeper, the future more uncertain and complex, and diversity will increase. Against this backdrop, the Seibu Group is committed to “Resilience & Sustainability”. We will build on our foundation of resilience, which is to increase our endurance against all kinds of risks and crises, to ensure sustainability and sustainable growth. Using this as a springboard, the entire group will work together to push the Seibu Group to even greater heights.
In 2025, the second year of the Seibu Group Mid-Term Management Plan (FY2024-FY2026), “investment for growth” will be a particularly important theme. Through the steady implementation of safety maintenance investments and growth investments, we aim to achieve sustainable growth for the group. In executing these investments, we ask that all employees take stock and verbalize their thoughts and dreams about their work and the future, and take on the challenge of realizing them.
(1) Investment in safety maintenance
Safety is the foundation of all our operations, and we will make the necessary investments to ensure safety.
(2) Growth Investment
Regarding investment for growth, the field and the head office will work in unison and execute with a sense of speed. In particular, investment in human resources, the source of growth, is the largest investment for growth. A major pillar of this investment is to provide the best treatment in each industry and business category. By encouraging everyone to do their best work, we aim to create a spiral between the best treatment and the best work in a positive way.
© Source travel watch
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