JAL, which has bases throughout Japan, has been continuously implementing regional revitalization initiatives (currently the “JAL Furusato Project”), and in August 2020 launched the “JAL Furusato Ambassadors,” cabin crew members selected through an in-house recruitment process who move to the area to promote initiatives in their respective regions. In December of the same year, JAL appointed “JAL Hometown Cheering Troops” who are involved in regional revitalization while serving on board. The aim is to develop products and solve regional issues for hometowns and other regions with which they have connections, utilizing the knowledge they have accumulated as flight attendants.
We spoke with JAL Furusato Ambassadors Sayaka Matsubara and Manami Tonegawa, who are involved in grooming and makeup classes at the Chubu Branch Office.
–What can you tell us about your initiatives?
Have you ever heard of “Tabiroku! Aichi”?
The “Tabi-Roku! Aichi” is a program of sightseeing experiences available in Aichi Prefecture, developed through collaboration between the Aichi/Nagoya Tourism Promotion Council, Meitetsu Kanko Service, municipalities in the prefecture, tourism associations, and tourism businesses, etc. The program is available for reservation and sale.
Aichi Prefecture is located almost in the center of the Japanese archipelago and is characterized by a good balance of sea, mountains, and cities. It has been a “manufacturing powerhouse” with the largest amount of industrial products shipped in Japan since 1977. Aichi Prefecture is also the birthplace of famous military commanders such as Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Nobunaga Oda. In the area of food, the unique food culture of “Nagoya-meshi” (Nagoya rice) is also popular. We would like to offer the excitement of experiencing the “real thing” using all five senses.
This time, Matsubara and Tonegawa, JAL Hometown Ambassadors for the Chubu region, and “Tabiroku! Aichi” have collaborated to create new contents.
–How are you involved in this effort?
We held meetings with the people in charge of the project to come up with ideas for the first “Tabi-Roku! Aichi,” we held a series of meetings with the people in charge of the project to come up with ideas for the realization of the first collaboration with JAL.
We struggled to come up with a plan that would produce a “JAL feel.
In this context, this content was completed with the hope of creating a project that would make JAL as familiar as possible to people in the Chubu region, where flight attendants have little experience with air travel.
© Source travel watch
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