The Futtsu Fishery Cooperative Association (Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture), which operates and manages the Futtsu Coastal Siohigari Farm, will hold the “Summer Jumbo Capsule Siohigari” from July 5 to August 4.
The campaign offers a lottery ticket to those who find a capsule containing one “Summer Jumbo Lottery Ticket” (limited to one per day) hidden somewhere on the beach at the tidal beach, and cash back the admission fee.
The enclosed Summer Jumbo lottery ticket is a lottery ticket to be purchased at the Futtsu AEON Chance Center, a high-stakes lottery ticket booth that has once won a jackpot of 300 million yen, with a chance of 500 million yen for the first prize.
The admission fee is 2000 yen for adults (about 2 kg with net bag), 1000 yen for elementary school students (about 1 kg with net bag), and 800 yen for children under elementary school age (about 1 kg with net bag). The overage fee is 1,000 yen per kilogram.
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