Yamanashi Prefecture, in cooperation with Shizuoka Prefecture, JR Tokai (Central Japan Railway Company), and the anime “YuruCan△,” will hold the “‘YuruCan△’ Dramatic Nazotoki Game: Two Treasure Maps and a Trip of Memories” from July 4 to August 31.
The Nazotoki game consists of two courses: the “Rin Route” starting in Kofu and the “Nadeshiko Route” starting in Shizuoka. The “Rin Route” starts in Kofu and the “Dadeshiko Route” starts in Shizuoka. A special booklet distributed free of charge and the LINE app are required to participate. This will be the second “Yuru Campaign △” in February 2020, and the third in October 2020.
In conjunction with the event, JR Tokai will also sell “Yuru Can△” one-day round-trip tickets.
© Source travel watch
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