In the Dhaka Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh, the number of vehicles owned increased five-fold from approximately 200,000 to 1 million between 2013 and 2018 due to economic growth and population increase (Dhaka Metropolitan Police, 2018), and road traffic congestion and road traffic accidents have become serious problems. Under these circumstances, Dhaka Metropolitan Police has been…
Category: JICA contributions
Project to Promote Sustainable Fisheries Development on Remote Islands
In Indonesia, the income and regional disparities within the country have been widening along with economic growth, and the development of public infrastructure and the promotion of local industry and job creation in the rural periphery are issues to be addressed in order to build a safe society. In particular, the economies of remote islands…
Establishment of Management Methods and Effective Utilization Processes for Overgrown Waterweed Biomass in Lake Tana, Ethiopia, the Headwaters of the Nile
In Ethiopia, the overgrowth of water hyacinth in Lake Tana, the country’s largest lake, is causing damage to agricultural and fishery workers, including navigation hazards and invasion of water hyacinth into surrounding agricultural land. Under these circumstances, the government of Tanzania and related local governments have invested a large amount of money to remove the…
ODA Visualization Site
Since the 1950s, Morocco has taken measures to address the expansion of unsanitary residential areas due to the concentration of population in urban areas. However, effective and integrated measures have not been taken due to a variety of factors, including inadequate financial resources, lack of a public financial system, rising land prices, insufficient involvement of…
Sewerage improvement projects (2)
In Morocco, sewerage infrastructure facilities have been well developed in large cities such as Rabat and Casablanca in response to rapid population growth and urbanization, but many small and medium-sized cities were noticeably lagging behind. As a result, existing sewage systems were not functioning adequately, and large amounts of untreated sewage were being discharged into…
Greater Colombo Area Urban Transportation Improvement Project Phase 1
In Sri Lanka, the arterial roads radiating from Colombo City were well developed, but the roads connecting the provinces were not yet developed, and therefore, many vehicles had to pass through Colombo City to travel between provinces, causing traffic congestion in the city. Under these circumstances, Japan decided to build a new 29-km Outer Circular…
Africa Transportation Human Resource Development Project
The Moroccan government has made South-South cooperation a key national policy and has been promoting South-South cooperation, mainly by accepting African countries for training in Morocco. In the field of roads and ports in Morocco, government agencies related to roads and ports under the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics, and Water have been providing South-South…
Vice President Yamada meets with Palauan President Whips
JICA Vice President Junichi Yamada met with President Slangel S. Whipps, Jr. of the Republic of Palau in Tokyo on September 8. At the beginning of the meeting, President Whipps introduced the Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Friendly Relations that Palau signed with Okinawa Prefecture in August. He then expressed his appreciation for Japan’s high…
President Tanaka meets with Vietnamese Minister
JICA President Akihiko Tanaka met with Dao Ngoc Dung, Minister of Labor, Wounded and Sick Soldiers, and Social Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, at JICA Headquarters on September 6. At the beginning of the meeting, President Tanaka referred to the revision of Vietnam’s law on overseas worker dispatch, and expressed his hope that…
Improving the stability of electricity supply in Palau
On September 8, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Grant Agreement (G/A) with the Government of the Republic of Palau for a grant aid of up to 2.14 billion yen for the “Power Grid Improvement Project. This project will improve the stability of electricity supply in Koror and Babeldaob by upgrading the power…