The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions (R/D) with the Government of the Republic of South Africa on March 28 in Pretoria for the technical cooperation project “Quality and Productivity Improvement (Kaizen) Project. JICA has been working to develop human resources and strengthen organizational structures to promote kaizen in more than…
Category: JICA contributions
Technical Cooperation Project for Iraq: Strengthening the Operational Capacity of Agricultural Testing Centers in the Kurdistan Region
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions (R/D) with the Kurdistan Regional Government of the Republic of Iraq on March 29 in Erbil on the technical cooperation project “Kurdistan Agricultural Experiment Center Operational Enhancement Project. In Iraq, agriculture accounts for the majority of employment in rural areas and is positioned as…
Technical Cooperation Project for Bangladesh: Cooperation in Expanding and Strengthening Efficient Licensing and Licensing Services in Special Economic Zones
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions (R/D) with the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on March 27 in Dhaka for the technical cooperation project “Capacity Enhancement Project for Special Economic Zone Management and Investment Promotion. This project aims to improve the investment environment in the SEZs by establishing…
Building a Foundation for Agricultural Development in South Sudan: After 10 Years of Work, a Master Development Plan is Now in Action
South Sudan is the youngest country in the world, having gained independence from Sudan in July 2011. Since the year after the country was founded, JICA has continued to provide comprehensive cooperation in the agricultural sector. Ten years later, after overcoming a number of turmoil and hardships, including armed conflict and natural disasters, a new…
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance and Cooperation Needs in the Health Care Sector for Displaced Persons in Ukraine (phase2)
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has decided to dispatch an Emergency Humanitarian Assistance and Cooperation Needs Assessment Mission in the Health Care Sector (Second Assessment Mission) to Ukraine’s neighbor, Moldova, to assist displaced persons in Ukraine and neighboring countries. The six-member mission, consisting of medical personnel and JICA staff, will leave Japan on April…
Chancellor Tanaka and Special Advisor Kitaoka meet with Philippine Finance Minister Dominguez
JICA President Akihiko Tanaka and JICA Special Advisor Shinichi Kitaoka (former President) met with Carlos Dominguez, Minister of Finance of the Republic of the Philippines, at JICA Headquarters on April 25. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Dominguez expressed his gratitude to Special Advisor Kitaoka for his long service as JICA President and for…
Contributing to the response to the new coronavirus crisis through financial assistance
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Loan Agreement (L/A) of up to 30 billion yen with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on April 25 in Tokyo for the “Emergency Assistance Loan for the New Coronavirus Crisis Response (Phase 2)”. This project will support the Philippine government’s response to the coronavirus…
Chairman Tanaka meets with Uzbekistan’s Deputy Prime Minister Umurzakov
JICA President Akihiko Tanaka met with Uzbekistan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Sardor Umurzakov at JICA headquarters on April 22. The two parties exchanged views on past cooperation between Japan and Uzbekistan and future prospects, mentioning, among other things, the meeting with then President Kitaoka during the visit of President…
Contributing to reducing air pollution and improving the urban environment in Bangkok
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a project finance loan agreement with E Smart Transport Company Limited of Thailand on April 27. The project, financed by Energy Absolute Public Company Limited (Thailand), the sponsor company, will introduce 27 electric ferries on the Chao Phraya River in the capital city of Bangkok that do not…
Needs Assessment for Health Cooperation Mission in Ukraine
The last two members of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) mission to Moldova for the purpose of providing assistance to displaced persons in Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of emergency humanitarian assistance and healthcare needs assessment returned to Japan on May 1, completing their field survey activities. The first survey team, which…