JICA President Akihiko Tanaka held a discussion with Gunma Prefecture Governor Kazuta Yamamoto, which was published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun’s electronic edition under the title “The Future of Japan is Created by Diverse Human Resources: Seeing Foreign Talent not as ‘Workers’ but as ‘Friends’”. read more © Source JICA Auto Amazon Links: No products…
Category: JICA contributions
Why Kyrgyzstan’s OVOP Movement Succeeded? Why did an effort that started from scratch evolve into a national project?
Why Kyrgyzstan’s OVOP Movement Succeeded? Why did an effort that started from scratch evolve into a national project? The “One Village, One Product” Movement, which began in Oita Prefecture around 1980 and spread throughout Japan to promote regional development through the creation of local specialty products, has been supported by JICA in various developing countries….
Launch of a project to strengthen humanitarian mine and UXO countermeasures capacity for Ukraine: Provision of trucks with cranes to Ukraine’s Emergency Situations Agency
On January 23, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), together with Sojitz Corporation, Isuzu Motors Limited, and Tadano Limited, discussed with the Emergency Service of Ukraine the technical cooperation project “Humanitarian Mine and UXO Countermeasures Capacity Enhancement Project” for which the Minutes of Discussion (R/D) on the project commencement was signed on January 10. As…
First two Georgia Overseas Cooperation Volunteers give their departure speeches to the Ambassador of Japan: Start of deployment to the 99th country.
On January 23, two of the first Georgian Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, who will be the first Georgian Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, greeted Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Japan Timraz Rejava at JICA headquarters before their departure. JICA opened its Georgia office in May 2017.A JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteer Dispatch Arrangement was signed between the…
Support through “LEAP”, a trust fund financed by JICA (overseas investment and loan): Loan for container terminal expansion project in Mumbai, India
On January 20, 2023, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed a loan agreement totaling US$13.1 million with Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal Private Limited (NSFTPL), a special purpose company established in the Republic of India, through the Asian Infrastructure Partnership Trust Fund (LEAP) (Note 1) funded by JICA. (NSFTPL), a special purpose company established in the…
Ukrainian and Fukushima Researchers Together Aim for the Future of Land Use after the Nuclear Accident
Ukrainian and Fukushima Researchers Together Aim for the Future of Land Use after the Nuclear Accident To utilize the land after the nuclear accident, Ukrainian and Fukushima researchers aim for the future together The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused great damage to research institutions in Ukraine, and many researchers have been forced to…
Adoption of a resolution expressing gratitude and praise for JICA’s cooperation in the Mindanao peace process: President Tanaka delivers the first speech as a foreigner at the Bangsamoro Transitional Authority Congress in the Philippines
On January 18, President Akihiko Tanaka delivered the first speech by a foreigner to the Bangsamoro Transitional Authority (BTA) Congress in Cotabato City on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, praising the BTA’s steady progress in the peace process in cooperation with the Philippine government and strongly emphasizing that JICA will continue to cooperate with…
Project for Strengthening Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration for Sustainable Development in the Mekong Delta Region under Climate Change
The Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam is a major producer of rice, fruits, and marine products, with exports accounting for 20 percent of the country’s GDP, making it an important region for the country’s socioeconomy and neighboring Mekong countries. It is also one of the three deltas most affected by climate change in the…
National Health Insurance System Strengthening Project to Achieve Universal Health Coverage
In Sudan, the National Health Sector Strategic Plan II (2012-2016), a mid-term health goal, has been developed by the Ministry of Health. One of the pillars of this strategy is to expand coverage and improve the quality of primary health care (PHC). However, the necessary funds and equipment have not fully reached medical facilities at…
Project to strengthen agricultural and rural development projects that ensure inclusiveness and contribute to peacebuilding
In 2016, the Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the largest left-wing guerrilla force, ending more than half a century of armed conflict that has caused an estimated 7 million internally displaced persons. Following this peace agreement, in 2017, the National Planning Agency (DNP) developed the Territorial…