On April 28, Odakyu Electric Railway announced its capital investment plan for fiscal 2023. The company plans to invest a total of 26.1 billion yen to strengthen safety measures and improve services in its railroad business. In this context, the report explains that large-opening platform doors for limited express trains will be installed on all…
Category: Japan
Parent Category for Japan related information
What is the NATM construction method? Rare Heavy Machinery at the Construction Site of the Yoro Tunnel on the Tokai Ring Road
The Yoro Tunnel North construction site was opened to the public this time, where the “main tunnel” that will be used as the main line for two-way traffic when the tunnel is tentatively opened and the “evacuation barrier” that will be used during disasters are being excavated. The “Evacuation Tunnel” will be used as the…
Hawaii Fuel Fuel Prices Reach ¥10,000 One-Way. Governor Greene “welcomed us like family.”
To ensure that our beloved Hawaii remains “Paradise Hawaii” for many years to come. Responsible Tourism is the concept of creating a better tourist destination by encouraging each visitor to take responsibility for his or her own awareness and actions. Malama Hawaii (Caring for Hawaii) is the Hawaii version of the Responsible Tourism slogan. The…
Basic Response Policy” is abolished with the shift to Class 5 for new coronas. Infection control measures are now voluntary efforts by individuals and businesses.
The Cabinet Secretariat announced that it will abolish the “Basic Policy on Countermeasures against New Coronavirus Infections” following the official decision to shift the status of new coronavirus infections to category 5 infectious diseases on May 8, 2011. As a result, the calls for “avoidance of the three densities,” “maintaining distance between people,” “hand washing…
Pikachu and his friends see you off at Narita Airport! Pokemon gather in the departure lobbies and access corridors of Terminals 1 and 2
Various Pokémon will appear at four locations in the Terminal 1 Departure Lobby on the 4th floor as “Pokémon and See You Off Wall” and wave to travelers. It will be a surprise to see which Pokémon will make an appearance. NAA (Narita International Airport) will wrap various parts of Narita Airport terminals with Pokémon…
Chancellor Tanaka meets with Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
JICA President Akihiko Tanaka met with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Tokyo on April 26. At the beginning of the meeting, President Tanaka noted that significant progress has been made in JICA-supported projects, including the partial opening of Urban Railway (MRT) Line 6 and the opening of the Bangladesh…
Water border measures for entry into Japan; vaccination history and negative proof no longer required from April 29, midnight.
The Japanese government has announced that effective vaccination history and a negative pre-departure test will be abolished after midnight on April 29 with regard to water border control measures at the time of entry into Japan. In light of the transfer of new-type coronavirus infection to Category 5, the current waterfront measures of “a negative…
ANA remains in the black for the first full year in three fiscal years. Full-year sales recovered to 1,707.4 billion yen, about 90% of the pre-Corona level, thanks to a resurgence in airline demand. Expectations are high for a recovery in China routes in the future.
On April 27, ANA Holdings announced its consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 (FY2022). The presentation was led by ANAHD President and Representative Director Koji Shibata and Senior Executive Officer and Group CFO Kimihiro Nakahori. Mr. Shibata gave an overview of the full-year results and the forecast for the next…
Weekend Ekiben] “Hamasuta ☆ Cheering Lunch Box” at Yokohama Station
The “Hamasta☆Ouen Bento” from Saki Yoken, well-known for its shioumai, is a bento boxed lunch that is filled with the idea of making baseball more exciting at Hamasta (Yokohama Stadium)! The bento is sold only on the days when the home team plays at Yokohama Stadium. It is only sold on days when the home…
Japan Tourism Agency abolishes vaccination and negative proof of national travel support. From May 8, following the decision to move to new type 5 coronas.
On April 27, the Japan Tourism Agency announced that confirmation of vaccination history or negative results, a condition for using the National Travel Assistance, will no longer be required after May 8. In line with the government’s official decision to shift the status of new coronavirus infection to category 5 infectious disease from May 8,…