Officials warned that extreme weather events could cause outages and that power bills would increase as providers covered rising energy costs. Read More Auto Amazon Links: No products found.Auto Amazon Links: No products found.
NLRB Finds Merit in Union Accusations Against Amazon and Starbucks
Workers had accused the companies of unlawful behavior during recent union campaigns. Read More Auto Amazon Links: No products found.Auto Amazon Links: No products found.
Moderna Seeks to Dismiss Covid-19 Vaccine Patent Lawsuit
The vaccine maker says federal patent law protects it as a government contractor. Read More Auto Amazon Links: No products found.Auto Amazon Links: No products found.
This Indian Nation Is Setting Up A Special Economic Zone For Crypto, Fintech, Blockchain On Native Land
25 miles south of Charlotte, Rock Hill county is home to just over 100,000 people, including the Catawba Indian Nation. That nation has just sent up a special economic zone with regulatory certainty for web3, crypto, blockchain, and fintech companies … Read More Auto Amazon Links: No products found.Auto Amazon Links: No products found.
Published Working Paper No. 232, “Understanding Financial Inclusion in Mongolia From a Micro Perspective: Is There a Gender Gap?”
JICA’s Sadako Ogata Peace and Development Institute publishes working papers on some of the results of its ongoing research in order to stimulate active discussion. Working Paper No. 232, “Understanding Financial Inclusion in Mongolia From a Micro Perspective: Is There a Gender Gap?” by Enerelte Murakami, examines the determinants of financial inclusion in Mongolia with…
Traversing The Great Uncertainty With AI And Intelligent Forecasting
Yesterday’s unprecedented times have now become today’s norm.Forbes – Innovation Read More Auto Amazon Links: No products found.Auto Amazon Links: No products found.
Signing of Yen Loan Agreement for Thailand: Promoting response to novel coronavirus infection with a view to post-coronavirus infection through financial support
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Loan Agreement (L/A) of up to 50 billion yen with the Royal Thai Government in Bangkok on May 3 for the “Emergency Assistance Loan for New Coronavirus Crisis Response. This project aims to strengthen the healthcare system in Thailand, which has been severely affected by the spread…
Grant Agreement Signed for South Sudan
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Grant Agreement (G/A) with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in Juba on April 27 for a grant of up to 2.655 billion yen for the “Juba City Bridge Construction Project. This project will replace four bridges on the main road in Juba City, thereby…
Kyoto City “Osanpo Art Museum” will open in Shinmachi Shopping Street
We are pleased to announce the opening of the “Osanpo Museum of Art” in the Shinmachi shopping street (Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Kita-machi-dori Kita-oji north side to Shinmachi-dori Kitayama south side). This project is a year-round exhibition of pictures painted by local residents at stores in the shopping arcade, and is based on the new vision…
Bitcoin Trailblazer Raises Capital To Create Interplanetary Cryptocurrency
LedgerX founding CEO Paul Chou is building on the sale of the company he created to FTX by creating a new kind of cryptocurrency, Foundation Coin, that can be spent on Earth, the Moon, Mars and beyond.Forbes – Money Read More Auto Amazon Links: No products found.Auto Amazon Links: No products found.