The Philippines has developed a national roadmap strategy (2021-2023) for COVID-19 vaccination and has positioned vaccination as a top priority in the fight against COVID-19, but there is no system in place to ensure that the vaccine is properly transported and stored in various parts of the country and that it is effectively and safely…
Zanzibar Urban Water Distribution Facility Improvement Project
In Zanzibar, Tanzania, the Urban West Province of Unguja, the largest island in the Zanzibar (island region), is expected to experience a further increase in water demand due to population growth. In Zanzibar, the water source is dependent on groundwater, but there is no accurate data on the amount of water resources available, and the…
Fisheries Vocational Training Center Facility Development Plan
Mauritania has good fishing grounds in the Atlantic Ocean, and the fishing industry is a pillar of the national economy. Historically, the country’s fishing industry has developed driven by corporate offshore fishing by foreign vessels and coastal fishing by migrant fishermen mainly from neighboring countries, and is supported by fishing vessels and migrant workers from…
Report on the Implementation of the “Platform for Responsible Foreign Worker Induction (JP-MIRAI)” 2022 Public Forum – Considering Vulnerabilities throughout the Foreign Worker Process
summary Date: December 09, 2022 Organized by: Responsible Foreign Worker Acceptance Platform (JP-MIRAI) Secretariat Location: International Conference Hall, 2nd floor of JICA Ichigaya Bldg. and webinar via Zoom Contents On December 9, 2022, the Platform for Responsible Foreign Worker Induction (JP-MIRAI), for which JICA serves as the Joint Secretariat, held a public forum titled “Considering…
Grant Agreement for Afghanistan: Contributing to Improvement of Living Conditions of Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees in Collaboration with UNHCR
On December 23, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Grant Agreement (G/A) with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for a grant of up to 1,797 million yen for the “Project for Improving Living Conditions in Areas Hosting Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees in Southern Afghanistan (UNHCR Partnership)”. Grant Agreement (G/A)…
Metro Manila Subway Project (Phase 1) (Phase II)
Despite overcrowding due to population growth, the Metropolitan Manila area lags behind in the development of track-based public transportation as a means of mass transportation, with the total length of the three elevated rail lines (two of which are lightweight) within the metropolitan area being only 50 kilometers, and traffic congestion is becoming more serious….
Southern Chotgram Area Development Project
In Bangladesh, the poverty rate in rural areas, including Cox’s Bazar District, remains high compared to the poverty rate in urban areas where the economy is growing steadily, and rural development is an important policy issue for the Bangladesh government. In the southern Chotgram region, including Cox’s Bazar District, the Japanese government is planning comprehensive…
Dhaka Urban Transport Improvement Project (Route 5 North) (Phase II)
In Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, the rapid increase in traffic demand due to population growth and economic growth is causing chronic traffic congestion and air pollution. Such serious traffic congestion deteriorates economic activities and the urban environment, and has become a major bottleneck in economic and social development. Under these circumstances, the government of…
Assam Health System Strengthening Project
In India, there are various challenges in terms of universal health coverage (UHC) where all people have access to health care services, mainly due to inadequate health infrastructure, medical personnel, and management capacity for health care services, as well as weak finances in the health sector. In Assam, the largest state in northeastern India, only…
Chennai Metro Construction Project (Phase 2) (Phase II)
In India, rapid urbanization in recent years has led to a rapid increase in the number of registered automobiles, expanding demand for road transportation, but public transportation infrastructure has not yet been developed. In particular, the Chennai metropolitan area has the fourth largest population in India (approximately 8.7 million people according to the 2011 census),…