Benin has identified “improving access to safe water” as one of the key issues in its national development plan, and has been working to improve water supply facilities throughout the country in order to improve the water supply rate. As a result, the national water supply rate has improved from 57 percent (WHO/UNICEF, 1990) to…
Supporting Integrated Power System Development in Nepal
Despite Nepal’s abundant hydropower resources and high potential for economically viable hydropower development, the country is currently unable to fully utilize its hydropower resources because it has not developed enough to meet its electricity demand. Factors preventing power development from progressing as targeted include the cost of power transmission and distribution facilities due to steep…
Resolving traffic problems and improving the logistics network in the El Salvador
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Loan Agreement (L/A) with the Government of the Republic of El Salvador in San Salvador on August 22, 2012, for a loan of up to US$51.37 million for the “San Miguel City Bypass Construction Project (II). National Route 1, which passes through the city of San Miguel,…